Friday, November 7, 2008

Antrim Coast and Glengariff Forest

On Thursday November 6....
We continued our journey along the northern coast of Ireland. We did a short hike to the Carrik-a-rede Rope Bridge. Thankfully, it was closed for the season, so we didn't have to pay the 8 Euro just to walk along the path and see it! Again, there was only 2 other people along this 2 mi. walk we took. The ocean here was extremely blue and although we were high along another Ireland cliff, you could hear the waves breaking below.

We continued in the car driving along the coastal route - definitely not for the faint of heart! We only encountered 2 other cars along the way, and cannot imagine what the drive would have been like during "high" season along these narrow, curvy roads. No tour buses allowed here, and the pictures we took just don't capture the beauty here.

In the late afternoon we drove into Glengariff National Forest and were able to take a short walk (It gets dark at 5PM here). There was only one other car in these 3 huge lots, and we didn't even see them! We took the "Waterfall Path" and although we didn't have enough time to walk the entire way, we did see a few nice waterfalls along the river.

In the evening, we traveled 270 km to our overnight destination at Jampa Ling Buddhist Center. We are now back in the Republic of Ireland. Amazingly, we were able to find this place in the middle of a forested area - let's just say the Irish don't mark roads in the country very well!

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